Squalldane, Meet Zidane — Okay! Let Us Rock, Let Us Rock, Let Us Rock!

Alright, I know it seems that I’ve been on a small hiatus, however I’ve been busy with Potsdam Pride weekend (Fiances’ College 🙂 Not to mention the Superbowl Party @ my place today with Alicia, Tim W, Tim B, Logan and Derek)

I’ve also been squeezing in time to try and perfect the sword fighting scene. I’ve never gotten 100 nobles impressed before… and guess what. That hasn’t changed. My highest count was 93 to 95 out of 100. I gave up with that crap and did a lot of research about ePSXe. I was able to get to the part, and do it in halftime. No problem with 100 out of 100 (after I got a good mapping with the keys)

Zidane knows, when there's someone to help, help them. This is where I get my 'dane' name from. I'm a strong beleiver in this.

Now a problem, I saved the file as an MCR ePSXe memory card format. I need to convert this to a PS3 memory card virtual game save, PSV file. NO WAY is this moderately possible. I’ve spent the rest of my day figuring a way to do this. And I really don’t want a custom firmware on my PSP, so I decided that I was shit outta luck.

Therefore, I found a PSV file on Gamefaqs that had the 100/100 nobles impressed and saved right after that! Thank God! And I don’t really consider this cheating. Yeah, I was never able to get all 100 of them impressed, and get the 10,000 gil legit. But I worked really hard to try to get it. I tried over 100 times normally, then I did a lot of research on ePSXe. And a lot more research on converting save files. -.-

With that said, let us move on! 10k gil, and about ready to kidnap the heir to the throne! Let’s roll that beautiful bean footage!

Bush Beans
Let's roll it.